Parent counseling

Counseling services that assist the entire family when a child is experiencing mental health challenges or is struggling.

Parent counseling

Family counseling for anxiety and mental health issues

At Drive, we equip parents to support their children to the best of their abilities. We specialize in children and adolescents experiencing mental health issues and various anxiety issues, recognizing that parents are experts on their own children. Together, we reach an understanding of the root causes of the child’s discontent and what it takes to change the situation.

We listen to the parents’ narratives and, whenever possible, incorporate the children’s unique stories.

Our counseling sessions consist of guidance, advice, and psycho-education for both parents and children.

This may include addressing relevant issues such as:

  • How can I best support my child when they show signs of mental health issues, discontent or psychological vulnerability?
  • How can I best understand my child’s psychiatric diagnosis?
  • How can my child be helped to return to a stable daily life including school?

Price: 1000 DKK/hour

Feel free to call or write for a non-binding conversation about your needs:

Nadia Kræmer Lützhøft
Leader of Drive Practice Lab
Phone: 53867190

Counseling for school absenteeism

At Drive, we offer qualified and practical counseling to parents when their children have concerning school absenteeism. We believe that all children want to attend school, but not all are able to.

The reasons for a child’s inability to attend school are often complex and may have various underlying causes. We work diligently to uncover the root causes of the children’s discontent in order to provide relevant guidance tailored to the challenges families face in their daily lives.

Our counseling approach is based on the understanding that parents are experts on their children, while Drive specializes in school absenteeism and psychological distress. This synergy creates the foundation for the best dialogue and the most effective outcomes in counseling.

Our counseling focuses on:

  • How the family can navigate their child’s discontent and regain control over their own situation.
  • The child’s own narrative regarding their school absenteeism – we will involve the children themselves if possible, as it enhances the quality of counseling regarding school absenteeism.
  • Understanding the underlying causes of the child’s behavior, and how we can interpret school absenteeism as a symptom.
  • How we can work with the child and their motivation as a driving force to return to school.

Feel free to call or write for a non-binding conversation about your needs and for information on pricing:

Nadia Kræmer Lützhøft
Leader of Drive Practice Lab
Phone: 53867190